This Week in Imaging: Ricoh Focuses on Digital Services, Stabilizing Production, More
On March 7th, Ricoh Company of Japan published its 21st Mid-Term Management Strategy and Long-Term Outlook. The report focuses on a......
For in-depth print and business-process workflow research and insight
On March 7th, Ricoh Company of Japan published its 21st Mid-Term Management Strategy and Long-Term Outlook. The report focuses on a......
Novatech, a U.S. provider of IT services and managed print, and core portfolio company of Trivest Partners…
“…this further enhances our ability to drive digital transformation on behalf of our customers.”
Company has reported two consecutive years of sales and profit growth, as well as gains in print market share.
“This edition of Printix completely eliminates print servers from network infrastructure and replaces them with a secure, cloud-managed print infrastructure with next-generation integrated capture.”
“HP Amplify Impact partners understand that leading with sustainability is not only good for the planet – it’s good for business, winning deals, and driving profitable growth.”
Canon Inc. of Tokyo, Japan, announced that it’s been voluntarily delisted…
Contributing to these gains were improved supplies of microchips and other components, and adequate inventory.
Ricoh Company of Japan reported today that it’s been awarded a Gold rating in the sustainability assessment…
“Looking ahead, we are not expecting a significant economic recovery during fiscal year 2023.”
New HP group to focus on consumer subscriptions for printers, PCs, etc.
“The world is facing an environmental catastrophe and it is essential we act now to preserve the biodiversity of our planet before it is too late.”
“The AM Series complements our existing models, expanding our award-winning technology to address the mid-range MFP market, and opens the door to new partner opportunities.”
HP Inc. today released its first quarter, which ran from November 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023.
Company also announces new PageWide enhancements and solutions.
New service includes converting medical scans into 3D printable files, then printing via Stratasys 3D printers.
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