How to set up the perfect Ubuntu 8.10 desktop

After that lengthy post about returning a better ROI from your digital imaging devices via Linux, it occurred to me that there were a few more important steps that you must take to make sure that everything works perfectly.

Thankfully, another techie by the name of Chris Johnson has an excellent guide that you can get here.  A word of warning–it may sound quaint, but you must perform these steps using a command line (“Terminal”).  It is easy to do, just start terminal and copy and paste the commands into terminal and watch as it does it’s thing.  Note that you must use the administrator password that you created during the Linux installation in order to execute the commands.

 Terminal sShot
The Linux Terminal looks and acts a lot like its counterpart in Windows

Once you complete these steps, everything (most notably Firefox and YouTube) will work as advertised.  Remember that these additional steps are due to the proprietary nature of multimedia codecs and plug-ins that Canonical cannot legally distribute with its Linux distros–and not a shortcoming of Linux itself.

Happy computing!
Terry Wirth