Hands-On Test Report, Photos, and Video: Epson’s WorkForce WF-7610 ‘True’ Large-Format All-in-One

The ability to print fine text and color scales was competitive with that of recently tested printers, both toner- and ink-based.

Copy quality was particularly good for a desktop printer.
Overall, image quality was generally very good in both print and copy modes. Black text quality was readable down to 4 pt. font size, and was sharp and clear. Image quality also displayed good resolution and fine-line reproduction, as well as good dot (pixel) control. The system was also able to competitively produce the black, cyan, and magenta halftone gradations in our test target. There were no image anomalies such as mis-registration, poor fill, broken text, etc., and no ink bleed-through or smearing was observed. (Note: All image-quality evaluations were based on a visual examination of the printed images themselves, not on the TIFF images shown.)
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Photos displayed good detail, excellent color saturation, no banding, and very good, natural, and accurate flesh tones, with photos displaying a pleasing appearance.
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