Fujifilm Outlines Strategies, Goals for Company, Business Innovation Business

Fujifilm of Tokyo, Japan, today announced its New Medium-Term Management Plan “VISION2030,” which outlines the company’s plans and goals for the next three years.

General Strategy

For its fiscal years 2024 to 2026, the company plans to invest ¥1.9 trillion ($12.29 billion), focusing on bio-CDMO and semiconductor materials.

Fujifilm also aims to increase its revenue by 35 percent from fiscal year 2023, setting a ¥4 trillion ($25.86 billion) revenue target, and operating profit margin of approximately 15 percent or more by fiscal-year 2030.

“The new Medium-term management plan sets out a crucial strategy for increasing profits, outperforming the competition, and further enhancing Fujifilm’s global standing as a collection of global top-tier businesses,” explained Teiichi Goto, Fujifilm CEO and president.

  Forecast for


FY2024 FY 2026 FY2030
Revenue ¥2,960 billion  ¥3,100 billion  ¥3,450 billion ¥4 trillion
Operating income ¥277 billion  ¥300 billion  ¥360 billion  OPM 15% or more
Net income attributable to FUJIFILM Holdings ¥240 billion  ¥240 billion  ¥270 billion 
ROE 8.2%  7.8% 8.1%  10% or more
ROIC 5.6% 5.4% 5.8%  9% or more
CCC 122 days 119 days 112 days

Fujifilm Business Innovation

For its Fujifilm Business Innovation business and for fiscal year 2026, the company is targeting revenue of ¥1.27 trillion ($8.21 billion); operating income of ¥90 billion ($582 million); and an operating margin of 7.1 percent.

Fujifilm Business Innovation will focus on IT/Operational Solutions that are specifically developed for small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs), while expanding revenue by offering Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions.

For its Office Solutions business, it will maintain and improve profitability by focusing on the A3 color area, where the company says it has a leading market share. It says it will further improve sales efficiency, as well as strengthen its environmental responsiveness and its production base.

In addition, Fujifilm’s office MFPs will now be distributed in European countries.

For Fujifilm Business Innovation’s Graphic Communications business, the company will seek to improve profitability in analog printing, expanding sales of high value-added, non-processing plates. In digital printing, it will invest in digital transformation (DX) for commercial printing, a growth market, and allocate resources to develop devices and DX solutions that meet customers’ digital transformation needs.

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