Category: Security

Ringdale’s FollowMe Embedded Available for Lexmark’s Latest A4 Printers and Copier/MFPs

FollowMe’s business intelligence engine is said to make it easy for organizations to implement enterprise-wide printing policies, such as allowing color printing only when authorized by the organization, or automatically enforcing that email messages are printed in monochrome.

HP Updates on New Dealer Progress, A3 Managed PageWides, Accessibility, Security

On April 18th, HP Inc. held an online Webinar for analysts, providing more information on its progress recruiting office-imaging dealers, as well as more information on its new A3 Managed PageWide copier/MFPs for dealers, new Accessibility Assistant, and new printer security, including a new HP Printer Security Plug-In.

Quorcirca Survey: ‘Less-Paper’ Office, Security Expertise, Mobile to Lead Office-Imaging Industry

Security expertise will be the leading supplier selection criteria in 2025, according to 58 percent of organisations, increasing from 43 percent in 2017.

Xerox Expands Partnership with Cisco to Boost Printer and Copier/MFP Security

Xerox also partners with McAfee to provide whitelisting security. With whitelisting, only approved files can run on Xerox MFPs and printers, providing significantly more protection than traditional black-listing tactics that let through all files except those explicitly defined.