50+ Free What You Should Know Evaluations Added!

We’ve changed the status of over 50 What You Should Know (WYSK) Evaluations completed in 2010 from store-only (a $19.99 value) to freely viewable.

What You Should Know Evaluations (WYSK) are two-page reports that contain a printer or MFP’s specifications. But they’re unlike the typical “spec sheet” that you pay for elsewhere.  First, we include what others don’t, Cost per Page and Total Cost of Ownership, so you can see real costs. And, we not only include Strengths and Limitations, but our exclusive performance rating and ranking system that’s based on our 35+ continuous years in the printer and MFP industry – experience that includes the hands-on testing of printers, MFPs, and their software and solutions since their inception. Before you consider acquiring a printer, All-in-One, or MFP, take a look at our WYSK evaluations – and, if you need more help, contact us about our affordable 1-On-1 product-consulting service.

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